
Snapshot Sunday {251-257}

im here! im here!
 i didn't forget! (: 
i was just in Vegas for the weekend! bought my mom Marc Anthony tickets and we've been gone since Friday. 
we were back early but i got in this weird "my room is a mess i gotta clean it up but im so lazy" mood that lead me to target for swiffer sheets and then i showered and was asleep by 1030 i think. 
it was the best! best feeling to feel my eyes closing to go to a wonderful place called sleep. 

.....now its 630 and im at work....i miss my bed. 
lets get started! :D
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sent some snail mail out last week! i love it!
also, has anyone read this book? 
if so, what were your thoughts? 
i got up to the part where Sasha's boss drops her off after they left the Bangers sisters or whatever their names were.....so like page 30 something. 
i just couldn't get in to it. I'm so glad it was a library rental vs a purchase. i think i would've been really bummed. 
also, whats the deal with purchased books? i mean, you can return them right? no questions asked? Ive never had to return one so I'm not sure. 
how do they know i didn't just carefully read it ya know? 
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i had some soda this week. 
sent my mom to get me one. it was the weirdest thing ever!
it burned my throat going down. either way she still finished mostly all of it. 
soda, i do not miss you!
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cleaning out my old closet and i came across these ticket stubs!
Incubus: i think it was my second concert. i went with my cousin Vera and i just remember her brother dropping us off. i think Brandon might have taken his shirt off, i don't know but I've seen him shirtless at another concert so its okay! :D
Jack Johnson: this was actually a free concert when his album To The Sea came out. 
in fact. about that; had i gone straight there instead of stopping to get Italian food like my ex wanted too so bad, i would have met the man. my cousin Roslyn met him. i was mad at Tony for a couple of minutes lol. we were trying to find a way to sneak in closer because there was only a certain amount of people allowed to be up close. 
the few that "tried" got caught and kicked out (how do you get kicked out of a free show!?) they let us in a few minutes after. muahaha. 
No Doubt and (barely visible) Blink 182 (2004): my very first concert EVER!!!! it was $21 and my friend Jason bought it for me so i went with Vera! (he had seat tickets, i had lawn) i think this was No Doubt's "last" concert. so. much. fun!!!
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oh Chester!
this sob peed on my bed, blanket and pillow cover last Saturday. 
i didn't murder him because i was already running to work late. 
we weren't on speaking terms and he was okay with it. 
'til it started raining fireworks outside later on in the week. all of a sudden he was my best friend. the funny thing is, he knew NOT to get on my bed....but he was still sitting next to it all scared. oh chess! .-,
fun Leslie fact # 93: i shouldn't be allowed in yogurt places. 
my cup alone is always $10 so i was shocked when this one only cost me $4
well, that's what happens when they don't have mango and crappy watermelon bits you gotta pick from. 
(always ALWAYS, i always fill it up with nothing but fruit!) 
either way, yummy!!!
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saw this on my walk back from school.
i love the Simpson's!
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i love the light that i get to wake up to in my room! (: 
...but i still need some curtains!
either way, i love it. 
i need to enjoy it some more before we get rid of that window. 

time to get back to work and listen to Coraline! 
thanks for reading! 

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