published: 2018
pages: 260
read: 5/14-16/2019
book: 39 in 2019

Welcome to Nowhere, Arizona, the least livable town in the United States. For Gus, a bright 13-year-old with dreams of getting out and going to college, life there is made even worse by Bo Taylor, Nowhere’s biggest, baddest bully. When Bo tries to force Gus to eat a dangerously spiny cactus, Rossi Scott, one of the best racers in Nowhere, comes to his rescue—but in return she has to give Bo her prized dirt bike. Determined to buy it back, Gus agrees to go searching for gold in Dead Frenchman Mine, joined by his old friends Jessie Navarro and Matthew Dufort, and Rossi herself. As they hunt for treasure, narrowly surviving everything from cave-ins to mountain lions, they bond over shared stories of how hard life in Nowhere is—and they realize this adventure just may be their way out.

loved this read. good quick read. 

i came across this when i read this book and i think i checked it out around that time but its been sitting on my desk and i've renewed it time after time and because apparently this is what i'm all about, i finally raced to finish it to beat the clock.

this book was.....cute! i feel like saying cute diminishes it and i don't mean to do that, im just having trouble describing it. im not sure why. but it was a good read. and i am glad that i read it and this is also another one of those books that if i ever have children, id like to read this with them. 

its about Gus taking back some of his power to help Rossi out even though he's always getting his ass beat by Bo. 
its about rebuilding a broken friendship. 
its about bonding together and realizing that you are more when you help than you are when you talk down to others. 

its a story about kids who don't really know each other, each others stories (with the exception of Jessie & Gus since they were friends before) and how they assume that no one else can really have it as bad as they do. and i don't even think they think like that, its just that.

once they start revealing what their lives are all about, it broke my heart because gah! whyyyy!!!? 
they're 13 year old kids. i feel like what they go through is just heartbreaking. 
i definitely feel that Matthew has the shittier end of all their lives together, Jessie being the one that's the best off but even then, it doesn't matter who has what and how good they have it; everyone still has their own thing going on.

aside from that little heartbreak (for me anyway because apparently im a huge softie!) this book was pretty funny. 
i loved the dialogue they all had with each other. 
i love that they all "discovered" each other and that in the end, they band together because they realize that they can all be friends and that they can all be there for each other. 
i also love how they all stand up to Bo in the end. 

and yes, Bo has an even shittier stick but gah! i wanted to sock that kid. 
he was such a dick. im so glad he got his ass served in the end. 
BY    A     G I R L ! ! !
(bit of a spoiler but meh, not really)

overall, im glad that i read this book. 
i absolutely loved it. 

i don't think there really is anything to spoil. i don't know its weird. 
but i will write what its about if you wanna read below.

thanks for reading!
#lesreads on IG
published: 2018
pages: 311
heard / read: 5/12-14/2019
book: 38 in 2019

When Abbi Jacobson announced to friends and acquaintances that she planned to drive across the country alone, she was met with lots of questions and opinions: Why wasn't she going with friends? Wouldn't it be incredibly lonely? The North route is better! Was it safe for a woman? The Southern route is the way to go! You should bring mace! And a common one... why? But Abbi had always found comfort in solitude, and needed space to step back and hit the reset button. As she spent time in each city and town on her way to Los Angeles, she mulled over the big questions— What do I really want? What is the worst possible scenario in which I could run into my ex? How has the decision to wear my shirts tucked in been pivotal in my adulthood? In this collection of anecdotes, observations and reflections—all told in the sharp, wildly funny, and relatable voice that has endeared Abbi to critics and fans alike—readers will feel like they're in the passenger seat on a fun and, ultimately, inspiring journey. With some original illustrations by the author.

who wasn't crushed by the end of Broad City? 
if i think about it i get a bit sad because what a good show!
but also, what an even better ending! 

anyway, i picked up this book at Target at the beginning of the year but like always, i put it off. 
I was able to get it as a loan from my library's audio section so i heard/read along and that was probably the best way for me to read this book. 

it just details her thoughts, and lists, and questions and concerns while she goes on this road trip. 
she also talks about her lost card project and i thought that was pretty cool. she reunited a lost letter with the owners children who didn't really see their father as the man who had written the letter many years ago. and off of this, she created an even bigger project where now all sorts of strangers are reuniting lost things with their owners. 

she also goes into a bunch of other things that were pretty cool to learn about. 
like for example: i did not know that she was in a long term relationship with a woman. 
NOT that that matters in anyway whatsoever but because i was so used to her as Abby in broad city, i just never thought of her like that (trust me...I DO NOT MEAN ANYTHING BAD BY THIS!) so in season 5 when they introduce Leslie (HAAAAY!!!!) as Abby's doctor and later on love interest, i was shocked because i was so used to her being all about dudes. NOT KNOWING that in her real life, this was a journey she had taken. i know the show played a lot on their real's just that as the human that I am, i NEVER delve into a celeb's life cause i personally do not care what they had for breakfast August 12, 1938, ya know...their personal life is none of my bidness. if i HAVE to search for it, i already don't care. 
all that to say that it was nice to learn more about Abby as a human vs Abby as Abby in BC. 

this is a pretty cool listen to, so I'm glad i got around to it like that. 

....uh, there's really not much to say about it since its a) been so long but b) its also just a long ramble about everything so yea. 

if you can get this as an audio listen, i definitely recommend it. 
if you can get a copy of the book, i recommend that too since there are drawings everywhere. 

anyway, thanks for reading!
#lesreads on IG
published: 2019
pages: 291
read: 5/10/2019
rating: Y E S ! ! !  
book: 37 in 2019

Annika (rhymes with Monica) Rose is an English major at the University of Illinois. Anxious in social situations where she finds most people's behavior confusing, she'd rather be surrounded by the order and discipline of books or the quiet solitude of playing chess.
Jonathan Hoffman joined the chess club and lost his first game—and his heart—to the shy and awkward, yet brilliant and beautiful Annika. He admires her ability to be true to herself, quirks and all, and accepts the challenges involved in pursuing a relationship with her. Jonathan and Annika bring out the best in each other, finding the confidence and courage within themselves to plan a future together. What follows is a tumultuous yet tender love affair that withstands everything except the unforeseen tragedy that forces them apart, shattering their connection and leaving them to navigate their lives alone.
Now, a decade later, fate reunites Annika and Jonathan in Chicago. She's living the life she wanted as a librarian. He's a Wall Street whiz, recovering from a divorce and seeking a fresh start. The attraction and strong feelings they once shared are instantly rekindled, but until they confront the fears and anxieties that drove them apart, their second chance will end before it truly begins.

i still cannot believe that i read this book in about 5-6 hours. i mean, WHAT!!?? 
and I'm even more shocked that I'm shocked because it is doable, i've read books in a day before. i guess its because i devoured it on the airplane ride back from Mexico. 

i found this book through IG and it had great reviews and although that's bit me in the ass before i still went for it and luckily my library got it to me before i took off and for that i am super thankful. 

i took this book along with Chelsea's with me on my vacation to Mexico hoping to read them both while i was out there. (they're both fairly small with them being under 300 pages.) i was crazy to think that i would get 2 books read out there considering that i KNEW there was going to be no downtime but i was still optimistic. 
i finished Chelsea at like 130 am on my last night out there. and i wanted to get this started so that i could finish on the flight or get close to finishing as much as possible. 

we get on the plane; i start reading.
we're delayed like an hr and a half. 
i find that they have the Addams Family movie and i want to see it so i tell myself "make it to page 100 and then put it away and watch the movie."
i got to page 100... and i kept going. 
i did not want to stop reading this story!

before the story starts, you have the author's acknowledgements so you find out right away that Annika has Autism (if ya didn't read it, sorry for the minor spoiler!). 

i read a comment from a blogger i follow that says something along the lines that yes, this is a love story, but its also so much more than that. its about acceptance and growth. 
and it is. 
100% it is. 

in the beginning its basically an introductory period. you're in the present but every other chapter as takes you into the past (i love books like this!). 
you get to see how their relationship started and developed and eventually what broke it. but the good thing is that from the beginning you also see the way it starts to get repaired. both with Annika & Jonathan as well as just Annika herself. even though she still has ways to go now that she has Jonathan back in her life. 

in the beginning its just that, the beginning. there wasn't too much about it that has you super preoccupied with where the story is going. you're just going with the flow. 
then you hit a point that makes this story so much more! 
you learn the reason why it ended. 
of course they talk it out and its good. 

oh man. 
that final twist it took. 
i did not expect that. 
i maybe would have seen it coming had i read the titles of the chapters but lets be honest, i still would not have seen that ending coming. (it's just who i am as a human.)

holy smokes. 

i did not expect that and it made the story that much more for me. 

maybe most caught it but i didn't. but what the author did with this story made my heart burst and my love for this book bloom like no other! 

this is the first time that I've been ridiculously bummed that i finished a book in 1 sitting. 
i have now experienced my very first book hangover. if i ever thought i had ever had one, i hadn't; this was my first. 

such a good book.

ill definitely be buying this one to add to my library! 

jump over for spoilers! 
thanks for reading. 
#lesreads on IG