"five years isnt a long or short time but it is time."

pub: 2021
pgs: 352
read: feb 27 tro march 1, 2022
(e) book: 9 in 2022

ya know, i got this one under my library's skip the line system (the one where you have 7 days to read vs the usual 14 or 21) only because i saw that it started with an X  and while i dont ever eeeever read those STL books like i say i will, for some odd reason i did read this one. part of the reason is because i can finally cross X off the abc list because i honestly i cant think of any other. 

i myself am not a K-Pop fan so this is already out my zone. im also over that "i think id do anything for you including throwing my life away for you" trope that well of course i wasnt going to click with this one because its all it is. 
maybe im just too old for this?

my issue with this story lies in the fact that this story should have either been meet-cute as fuck OR it should have been what it is but it should have solved all of the problems that it came with, they should have been deeper or they should have been solved better or made clearer or idk. but i feel like it was trying to be cute as fuck with some depth that just went nowhere for me. between Jennys mother and her grandmother it was made such a big thing and i think it was just idk a little deflated. the way jenny just threw her whole ass life around no fucks given. like she was "driven", someone tells her to live a little then all of a sudden she's willing to throw something SO BIG away over some dude . gah! idk. i just, everything about this book fucking irked me. 
it just wasnt for me. 
there was something about it because i kept going but still by the penultimate chapter i was still like "man, fuck everything about this story." 

remember when Lauren gave up Paris for whats his face? whatever year that was, this is this years version of that. 
it should have just been fucking cheese like nobodies bidness and left all the harder subjects it was trying to tackle to the side cus nah. 

i feel bad. 

its not a bad story. 
its just for me like i would have manhandled Jenny. everything about this story to me was just unbelievable. 
the first year bitch? fucking expel her bitch ass. UGH. i get it, Jaewoo is too nice or whatever but still!  
what was the point of the bully? to show that like nah, trust them they're human too? idk. just nah. was it like a buildup? probably but by then i was so over it that the "twist" i was like okay cool, next. 
Sori & Nathaniel! gah!
the entire friendship at SAA reminded me of this book and i liked it there better. 
idk. im glad i knocked out X but i also would have been okay never having read this book. 

anyway, its not a bad read, its just for me its everywhere and im over that right now...i would have been okay never having read this. 

jenny got a review that legit said "you good foo, but you have NO emotion when you play. and you need that to place because you're about as flat as a piece of plywood board just laying there doing basically nothing" and she got so hurt that she ends up dating a K-pop Star and getting into the college of her dreams. 
after she happens to land in the same school that her now boyfriend goes to in Seoul. 
she lives in california. 
she meets J for all of like 4 hours or something. 
her uncle was like take chances and then all of a sudden her busy ass mom who never has time for her has to go back to Seoul because of grama's imminent surgery which when it finally happens, it turns out it wasnt that urgent bc its not til the end and anyway, of all the schools she lands in the same one that Jaewood goes to. so like even though the whole entire time shes for the relationship and i mean all of the stars aligned for them, she still ends up ruining it in the end only to fix it again.  

the whole entire story she just keeps shitting on all of her opportunities for Jaewoo even though he's already at the top and she's barely getting started on her life's journey but in the end she gets it all.

im over this one. 

"i think youre unhappy because you've made a decision to be alone, because its easier to sit in your apartment and write about the Beatles and think about me than it is to take a chance on something."

pub: 2021
pgs: 272
read/heard: feb 13-23, 2022
book: 8 in 2021

I dont wanna take forever so let's make this one quick. 
I liked the story, I loved the friendship even if it seems like it was just --- just. I hated Blair for the majority of the story, im happy for Wade and Cat, I feel for her. I'm probably the happiest for Wade. 
Anyway, if I had the ability to do what Robbie did would I?
I dont know. 
I mean, if I knew how....maybe? But id of course do what Rob also does in the end but from the get go and well, I can't say much cus spoiler. 

anyway, yea I liked this story and its very indicative of Norman and his writing. I still think last couple standing holds the spot for me though ♡ this one felt close but kinda at bay a little bit. 

still will forever read whatever Norman continues to write. 

Robbie made his billions by viatical settlement. dude was a genius, saw an opening and took it. he brought his friends together one last time since he is dying of cancer. the intention of the get together was to see each other one las time before he commits suicide at the end of this trip by flying his tiny ass plane til it cant fly no more. thankfully the gang makes it in time to talk him out of it. 
Robbie ends up passing away when it's his time. 

his reason for bringing everyone together was to get them to air out their bullshit so they can become friends once again. Blair has 6 year old twins and neither Robbie, Cat or Wade have ever met them (tho Wade did slip in when they were bakin'. this bitch slept with him even though she knew she was pregnant. ) 

Blairs marriage is falling apart and she is in the beginning stages of having an affair with the art teacher but of course he's seducing 2 other moms. 
in the end its Wade that calls Martin to come back to Blair if he wants to save their marriage. (Originally Martin & the kids went along but left after the weekend so Blair and the crew could catch up)

Cat was in a secret relationship with the host of the show she was working on. except the boss was in a whole ass happy marriage about to announce her pregnancy when in reality she kept telling Cat that she was unhappy and ready to leave her marriage and that she didnt want any kids. 
they were also getting ready to smear cats name if she tried to release anything going against her and the network. Cat really loved homegirl because she had every possibility to ruin her boss but she chooses not to. even though she was a bitch Cat really did love her at one point. 

Wade has been in love with Blair since the beginning of time. 
she slept with him the night that he sold his first book which ended up being a lie and once he thought he had finally scored (as in like the woman of his dreams), she lets him know that shes actually pregnant. to this day (6 years) he has not sold another book and hes actually on his way to live with his parents. his life is shit. In the end he gets his shit together. (I think Jill is actually the name of the women he ends up with but I confused Cats lady with his so let's call this one Jill 1 and the other Jill 2 😬)

in the end, idk what happens to cat. i mean shes fine, i just cant remember oh!
the whole entire time that Robbie is going through his cancer, he has this journalist who is trying to out him for his viatical settlement get rich quick scheme but then he disappeared...anyway, she ends up trying to get shit out of Cat but doesnt succeed until Rob gives Cat the okay. in the end, they end up dating and uhm, lets call her Jill...Jill ends up rewriting the piece on Rob and how he actually tried doing good with his money and even gave money back to the family he profited off of. Cat & Jill (2) end up dating and yeah!

Blair is actually an artist and Wade shifts his story telling to kids books which Blair illustrates <3

the reason that they got expelled from school was because Cat came out to her friends and they were supportive so she came out to her parents which was.....not good. Blair convinces Cat to go to their pride parade and they do. mind you they are high school students so the girls went in full on private school uniforms. 
it wasnt until they reached the part of the parade with the protesters that Blair walks Cat over to this perfect spot and tells her that she should kiss her so Cat does and of course a picture circulates. blair draws a beautiful rendition of it. 
it gets back to the school, the girls get kicked out. wade was the editor of the school magazine so he puts the picture that blair drew front page and that gets him kicked out. rob just walked into the main dudes office and said peace and left. 
"it doesn't surprise me to hear one person lying about another, twisting history when there's no one else to defend the truth."
(pg 234 for full quote)
pub: 2020
pgs: 325
heard: feb 15-17, 2022
book: 7 in 2022

well, if you are a fan of one of us is lying by karen mcmanus then this might be the book for you. 

Richard throws a fancy ass 50th, invites only the dearest of his friends and then ends up dead. and the entire time i could have swooooooorn it was the octopus, Persephone, that did it. i think i would have been down with that ending for sure. i mean, its all make believe anyway, why not add a dash of 'fuck it' element to the pot?

anyway, this is told thru Elspeth, his ex-wife. even though they havent spoken in years, she was invited out of the blue to his party and the bitch said yes because her daughter was gunna go with her (there's more to this and its not a spoiler, not a huge one, but i dont wanna be a dick so ill leave it at this). 
man, if my exmans was a dirty ass son of a bitch i dont give a fuck if the pope hand delivered the invitation himself!, why. would. you. go? 
so then yea, the party, the guests, Els doesnt know them all but there are a few she knows. the party starts, it gets lit and even though she never shuts the fuck up about how she's going to leave in 5 minutes, she never does. and then boom, the next morning, Richard is dead. 

and in the end, well, i like the ending. i like to think that what *removed cus spoilery* says is actually true. i like the way it all ties up if what they says is indeed true. its perfect! its karma! its beautiful! because it could have gone soooooooooooo many ways! and in the end, for me, it went the perfect way. 
if you choose to fuck with people just because you can, my girl karma will take care of you because its what she does. 

that being said yes, i like the ending and what *removed cus spoilery* says but i think thats about it? 
i feel like i was in and out a lot with this one. i wasnt super invested? it starts out in the present and then we flashback and forth between the past and present the further we get into the book  - well i wont spoil it here but fucking Elspeth! ahhh! to think that she did what she did, well. both of those things that she did...well, bitch did a lot. ....and richard. well, im not at all saying that he deserved to die but i mean, you were a fucking piece of shit idiot, you got what you got. it was your turn to pay the price for all the horrible things that you did. 
also, in the end, i wasnt really a fan of Elspeth and the way she had to think about "it" like she couldnt just do the homies a solid from the get go. you were dirty for that one dude. everyone was dirty but shes over here acting all high and mighty. girl, please. bye.

the only reason i picked this one up was because i liked the cover and i know a Tess lol. im not mad that i heard it but its something that i think i could have gone without because really this is OOUIL with like a bit of a twist. and so yeah, cheers to book 6 i guess. onto the next! (Edit: Oh wait this is 7!)

heads up, idk if its Sonny or Sunny and i think i call him both names. 
im horrible. 
i know. 
LMAO!!!!! its is not Sonny or Sunny.
ITS HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(still not going back to change anything thooooo) 

Richard invites only 9 guests to basically i guess test them and if they failed, then anyone of them was to be framed for it. 

he throws this swanky party, everybody gets lit to the point of no return and in the morning its Elspeth who finds him dead. from there on, well theyre all a suspect. 
in the end, it was no one that killed him but basically all of them except Sonny (richards lovah), Elspeth (the ex) and homgirl whose name i forgot (Kei's girlfriend). the reason i say this is because Richard was choking on his vomit and Kei woke up and saw him and she technically could have saved him but she said fuck it along with everyone else. sonny and elspeth were passed out and Kei's gf had woken up and was about to help but Kei held her back.  they all pretended to go back to sleep and let Elspeth find her. 

richard had invited every single person for a reason. he invited them to basically insert his power over all of them. he'd been a horrible human, husband, employer, everything. he'd fired his best friend, made Kei's life a living hell (actually every cast members), he made elspeth a star, gave her a role and had her raped on stage with a gun and was never told it was going to happen. he was just a horrible human. 

through out the night they kept imbibing to the point of no return. they got to a point that they were playing a game where they were trying to see who could shove a bottle down their throat (fucking rich white people 🙄) the hardest? or idfk but there was throat bottle shoving involved. so of course thats looked into as the cause of the vomit that caused richards death. and the cops happen to find a bottle that fit the description that was covered in Tommo's fingerprints (they were high school friends. we later on learn these two motherfuckers were horrible af to their classmates. i believe they killed one of their classmates. the classmate was allergic to strawberries but these foos thought it was a game so they put some in his cake and he passed away from that. (pg 234) they were both interrogated but Richard took the blame because he came from the kind of family/money that gets away with everything. ever since then theyve been tied together. and i forgot why shit went south with them. 


Kei's theory: her theory was that well, i forgot most of it or why she came up with it but basically the theory is that Richard wanted to see if anyone in the party would come to his rescue when he was choking on his vomit. he was playing with his own life because he was so cocky that someone would rescue him. for sure the mother of his daughter right? or at least his lover? WHOM HE HAS BEEN GROOMING SINCE HE WAS 17 BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH ELSPETH KNEW WHAT HE WAS CAPABLE OF, IF SHE WASNT DEALING WITH HIM, IT WASNT HER BUSINESS. and of course when Sonny finally came out with allegations, she denied them all. 

anyway, yea he was that confident. 
and if he died, well, he had planted incriminating evidence of a bottle with Tommos fingerprints. ....remember how i was like "fucking white people and their deep throating bottle shit"? this is why!

THOUGH! the thing that is kinda unsure for me was if Richard meant to frame Tommo all along. because Els had a water bottle and Richard gave her so much shit for drinking water and the next thing you know the water bottle is gone. the one with Tommos prints was hidden behind the tank where they kept Persephone. it was hella wedged in there. 
if the cops were hella good at their job and other bottles had been planted wouldnt they have also been found? what happened to Elspeths water bottle? 

idk, but thats basically it. 

there's other things i left out but you know how i work. 


this is new maybe? idk. i wont do it all the time. sometimes i take notes bc theyre library books so i figured i should move them on here if i have any/want to. they might hekp. idk. 

pg 278 - richard abusing elspeth on film with camera (see also pg 283)
pg 280 - tommo not guilty
pg 297 - physical abuse. slaps her on their honeymoon
pg 307-310 - beginning of Kei's confession
pg 193 - this book reminds me of karen mcmanus & lucy foley (the hunting party)
pg 232 - v karen mcmanus. once again 🤣
pg 298- the explanation of the name sedgewick.