read: 10/14-23/2015 published 2015 isbn: 978-1-250-05890-4 // 432 pages the last time i did the HONY post i posted all of...
ahhh!!!! i think I'm getting out of my blogging fuuuunk!  but let's be honest, i think its just the news that Gilmore Girls...
released:9/15/2015 read from: 9/22 to 10/8 2015 isbn: 978-0804138147 // 240 pages oh, how i love her so.  after...
released 2015 read from 10/10-11/2015  ebook isbn: 9780804181167 // 90 pages ahhh! i LOVE this man!!!gotta say,...
hi guys! i just wanted to stop by and do a quick post about my goodreads challenge.  every year at the beginning of...