published: 2016 pages: Lyra 236 // Gemma 284 ISBN: 978-0-06-239416-3 read: 1/14-19/2018 rating: liked it! book: 3 of 12...
published: 2015pages: 149 (but 143 realistically)  ISBN: 978-1-4521-4084-1 (ebook) read: 1/13/2018 rating: the feels! all...
published: June 2017pages: 388 ISBN: 978-1-5011-3923-9 read: 1/5-8/2018 rating: 100000/10 stars book: 1 of 12 (secretly...
before i jump into 2018's reads.....i wanted to do a recap on last years reads! 2017 was an okay reading year.  i...