i took the day off yesterday from school.  i had geography class but i got out of work late and so i just took the day off....
i want this bracelet!!!! xxx now why the heck didnt i ever think of that!?  SUPER easy to make diy side table.  xxx   i...
published: 2015 // 323 pages isbn: 978-1-59463-412-3 read: 4/18-24/2015 i literally just finished this book and i couldn't...
ya didn't think i'd go to her show and NOT snap a hundred pictures did ya?  well you're sorta right cause i only got a few.  since...
hey guys.  sorry i missed last week buuuut i didn't really have any pictures to post.  nothing crazy has been happening....
                         published: 2014 // 413 pages isbn: 978-0-345-54688-3 read...
published 2012 // 213 pages isbn: 978-1-59448-736-1 read from: 4/3-9/2015 "Okay, we didn't work, and all memories to...
source its been a while since i've done one of these. yikes! so i had the Kimbra show this past week and wooah!  its rare...
yard bomb in LA. after the Kimbra concert last night, i ran to the LACMA lights exhibit. and i saw this on the way.  love...
hey guys! thanks for hanging around with my spotty posting.  some weeks i post every day, others I'm like meh and i don't...