
wink poppy midnight // april genevieve tucholke

"Poppy's been sad lately. Really sad. Didn't you notice?"

"Poppys not sad. She's never sad. She laughs at everything. ....she always just laughs."

"If you can't see past all that, past the way she brushes everything off to protect herself, then you don't deserve to know her."

published: 2016
pages: 247
read: 5/27-28/2020*
book: 40 in 2020
*really, a few hours

Every story needs a hero.
Every story needs a villain.
Every story needs a secret.

Wink is the odd, mysterious neighbor girl, wild red hair and freckles. Poppy is the blond bully and the beautiful, manipulative high school queen bee. Midnight is the sweet, uncertain boy caught between them. Wink. Poppy. Midnight. Two girls. One boy. Three voices that burst onto the page in short, sharp, bewitching chapters, and spiral swiftly and inexorably toward something terrible or tricky or tremendous.

What really happened?
Someone knows.
Someone is lying.


I've been wanting to read this since it came out in 2016 because LOOK AT THAT COVER! 😍
but like always, it came out, time flew by, I forgot about it and then I saw it on sale over at book outlet, I saw my chance and took it.
And out of all of the books I have to read this one called out to me so I dove in.

The best way to describe this would be a bit kind of like "huh. huh? okay. ...but. huh." Haha. Makes no sense.

Anyway, I liked this story. From the moment I picked it up, I was hooked. I think the initial feeling I went into it with is not the same one I came out with but it was still a good story and those feelings don't necessarily take anything away from it overall.

It's weird cus this story is about (I think) something much bigger than what it's about while only being centered around these 3 characters and I guess the central plot. I'm making no sense but I don't really want to say what I mean here because it can be a bit spoilery.

I did like that the story was short, that the chapters were short and the turn this story takes.
At one point I guessed the story going one way buuut what ended up happening wasn't something I'd even thought could possibly happen.

Now that I'm done with it and i see how it turned out, there are a few turns that were taken that I'm thinking to myself "well, how?" but it doesnt make me love this story less.
I went into it completely blind and I didnt really read reviews because I saw that people over in goodreads weren't too crazy about it and I have to say, I'm so glad that I did. Not reading others thoughts on this helped keep my head clear through what I read.

All in all, I really liked this story.
I'm glad I read it. I'm glad I own it. 

thanks for reading! 
jump over for spoilers.  


Midnight lives next door to poppy. They finally sleep together and he's so in love with her but she could care less. She's a bitch.

His mom and brother end up leaving to France so his dad sells the house and they move to a farm -esque looking house and ends up being neighbors with Wink. He sees the kindness in her and basically ends up falling in love with her.

But Poppy wont let him go that easy.
She's so mean to everyone.

One night Poppy is in the forest with the yellow jackets (a group of her "friends") having a "party" when Wink and Midnight roll up on them on accident and to be a bitch she orders the yellow jackets to pin Wink down and pull up her dress so everyone can see that she wears little kids underwear. Sho'nuff she's wearing underwear with unicorns on them.
Midnight is all wtf but Wink is more cool than a cucumber.

On another occasion, M&W were walking home after being out all day through the forest when they run across P and the YJ (I'm abbreviating from here on out cus fuck that) and the YJ's tell them that the only way they can pass is if W kisses P and then M kisses P and she will then decide who is a better kisser and if they can pass then.
Wink doesnt give a fuck, goes up to P and kisses her leaving her stunned. They walk away.

Poppy is still very adamant that she will not let Midnight go so she comes up with an idea that Midnight and her need to trick Wink into meeting him at the Roman Luck house & tie her up to the piano and leave her tied there all night to teach her a lesson. (RLH scary abandoned place in the middle of the forest....Poppy thinks Wink is scared of the house. She's not.) Of course midnight says no but P threatens to harm W worse if he doesnt agree. So he does but of course he tells Wink. So they come up with a plan that she will meet him there and he will tie her up but last minute theyll flip it and actually tie up Poppy to teach her a lesson. To shake the evil out of her (poppy is afraid of the house).
So it goes according to plan, they tie up P and leave her there.
M&W go back to her barn whatever the fuck and the plan is to go back in an hour buuuut they pass out.
They go back at like idk, I'm assuming 5/6 am.
They find P covered in bits of blood and not responsive. They cut her down and wink runs to go get her mom. Midnight puts her on the sofa and she tells him she cant feel her arms....and once she does, she starts screaming.
She tells him to leave, he cant take it so he does. He runs into Wink and her mom and by the time they make it to the house Poppy has ran away.

So now it's been a few days and they cant find Poppy and everyone is freaking out (midnight & wink and the yellow jackets). Supposedly they found letters from her with clues about where shes at.

Wink suggests a seance, pretends to be her.....and because I've already made this hella long......

Poppy told midnight that she was going to tie up Wink to teach her a lesson and he told Wink but in reality, Wink and poppy had planned for it to go the exact same way it did.

poppy has been in love with Winks brother, Leaf for forever. She's hurting that he left.

at first you see that he ignored her because she was evil and ugly inside but as the story progresses, you see that he actually starts to have some sort of relationship with her.

After poppy ran away from the Roman house, she went to live at Winks horse shack or whatever the fuck. poppy is actually all about being alone and simple but the pressure that her parents put on her drives her nuts.

The letters and all that shit, was all actually Wink.
And the night they had the seance, they accidently burned the house down. Everyone got away except Midnight. If it wasn't for Poppy hiding and then pulling him out, he would have died.

Anyway, Midnight realizes that Wink was the one that created everything and is heartbroken.

He tells his dad that he wants to go visit his mom in France and leaves without telling Wink goodbye.

Wink did all of this because her mother read her cards and she knew that in them it said she was going to die a young age. She was doing all of this because she thought if she could be the hero or make the hero or help the hero, she could defeat death or some shit like that.

All of this hoopla that was going on was caused by Wink and her "translation" of all the books she was reading. 

there's also other stuff i left out but it's mostly about Wink and her dad and him leaving.

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