truth could not be redefined. truth was what it was. the simple task of finding the truth was complicated only by the haystacks...
 My first instinct is to refute her, but shutting someone else's feelings down doesn't make them go away.published: 2020 pages:...
"I don't think we have the kind of control that we think we do." published: 2017pages: 190read: 5/4-5/2020book: 37...
 In the meantime, read more carefully. you never know what good things you might have missed. published: 2020pages:...
most of us are good. most of us mean well. but we somehow manage to hurt each other anyway. don't ask me why... published: 2014 pages:...
"Now I know how much worse things can be." published: 2020 pages: 340 read: 4/25-26/2020 book: 34 in 2020 SYNOPSIS...