damn. i like that polish color! IG POST"in twenty - five years of life, she had learned that understanding didnt always - or...
pub: 2020pages: 306read: 10/10-11/2020book: 80 (!) in 2020SYNOPSISWhen a Nigerian woman falls for a man she knows will break her mother’s...
 pub: 2020 (?  too lazy to look) read: 10/7/2021book: 74-79 in 2020SYNOPSISlook em up on amazon...too many to link. THOUGHTS when...
published: 2020pages: 356read/heard:10/1-5/2020book: 73 in 2020SYNOPSISA young heroine in Depression-era Maine is navigating the rocky...
"i think we're all capable of things we might not want to admit to." published: 2020pages: 334read: 9/26/2020book: 72 in 2020SYNOPSISIt...