
the girl in the plane // katherine center

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published: 2019
pages: 15
heard: 3/10-11/2020
book: 25 in 2020

from Katherine Center, New York Times bestselling author of How to Walk Away, comes a short story The Girl in the Plane, featuring Cassie Hanwell, the courageous female firefighter at the heart of Things You Save in a Fire.

this was a quick listen to about.....the girl in the plane. 
in things you save in a fire, i forgot what happens but Cassie mentions that a story about a girl being stuck in a plane that will forever stick with her when she's facing accidents or something like that. 

so in this story, we meet Margaret. 
she has a huge fear of flying but of course the dude she is dating is a getting his license to become a pilot and on this day, without a license or permission or anything he takes her on a flight. 
she's fucking terrified and in her guts she knows she shouldn't be going but of course she ignores it because she always does as he says. 
they take off.
the reason for the trip is that he wants to show her where this other dude proposed to his gf on the beach using rocks spelling it out on the sand and well, he was going to use the same rocks to propose to her too. but they were up too high so they couldn't see them. he proposes to her anyway and everything is fine but once they head back it goes bad. 
and in the end, they end up in an accident. 
she's forever changed. 
he walks away without a single scratch. (or any repercussions to his fuck up)

at first he's worried about leaving her alone in the plane and then Cassie shows up. 
Margret claims to feel just fine and is setting up all these plans with Chip to go have dinner after they check her out but in reality she is way far off worse. 

they end up transporting her to a hospital via airlift and of course Chip can go but when she asks him to he says he can't because the medics won't let him. 
that's when Cassie knows he won't be around much longer. 

in the hospital, Cassie runs into Ian (i don't remember how they know each other)* and she's eager for them to meet. she just feels it. 

...and i forgot how it ends LOL

this i thought was a cute little side story. 
i liked this story more than her actual story (how to walk away) (that one is coming up next) i can understand wanting to give Margret more space to voice her story but had it just ended here, i would have been fine with that. this did more for me than her own book did. (or tbh, i could've just not read it).

its a super quick listen to so if you have time, i recommend it. 

...and obvs no spoilers because i basically spoiled it all up above. (sorry not sorry!) 

anyway, thanks for reading! 

#bookslesreads on IG
*apparentely they dont know each other from Cassie's book but through ANOTHER! 

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