hellooooo 2019!!!
can you believe January is basically almost over.
love it.
time is a weird concept that waits for no one.
on my end, I'm not waiting for Friday or the weekend. I'm waiting for Oct 2020 when ill be done paying a bunch of my shit off, so hurry on up!
(but like not really.....lets enjoy this time! :D )
anyway....it's the 18th day of the year and I'm already on book 3! it's exciting considering i did not really want to read much all of last year.
i read here and there but nothing too crazy like i usually do.
i started really good. reading a book a week and was going to try to do at least 30 but secretly aim for 52 and then i read the wedding date and i was done; i've been off reading since.
I'd pick a book up here and there but nothing really motivated me to keep going.
i was just burnt out.
I'm starting to read again / listen to more audio books but before i (possibly) return to normal book posts, i want to catch up on what i did read the rest of 2018.
-the wedding date // Jasmine Guillory: admittedly, this was a cute read in the all-ness of it. BUT i was pretty tired of the bullshit "i like him, i like her, but were both too dumb and egotistical and afraid to say how i feel for fear of rejection." just UGH. and of course. there's another book coming out
-_____- its about Carlos, the best friend, so it could be better but the premise is the same. so...(UPDATE: i have since read this book. first book post of 2019 coming up!)
-ricochet // Dean Koontz: this dude randomly has powers one day and then has to kill his grandma. pretty random AF but i mean, okay. it was cool cause i read this on the kindle app and every now and then it had some pretty dope live illustrations. I've never seen that before. but pretty cool read. i had that read back thing so i "read" it as an audiobook.
-what to say next // Julie Buxbaum: i didn't write a review so i don't remember it all TOO well and now that its coming to me maybe i should BUT i do remember thinking this was another cute read. i was super into it. and then i read the comments and someone said something about how it was fucked up that there's this guy with asperger's and they had to turn it into some sexist shit. idk. just stfu and read the book (not you. i mean the person who left that comment.)
but you should read it too! lol
-when Katie met Cassidy // Camille Perry: i asked for this book back in December 2017 and i FINALLY got a copy like 20 days before it's release date in 2018. i loved it! i love Camille and i will forever read whatever she writes. but to catch you up, Katie runs out or gets dumped by her fiance and she meets Cassidy who is a total ladies lady and of course they fall in love. but there's drama and you fall in love with characters and it's just the best! kinda weird how i was all about this story but over the wedding date considering is the same gist.
-playing with matches // Hannah Orenstein: i saw everyone on ig making a big fuss about this book talking 'bout how it was the best book ever and...chill. it was okay.
typical early 20's new yorker straight out of school with no job who uses her story to move forward (the way your parents met or whatever the fuck does not define your life. IMHO.) she's dating a total douche that cheats on her. she hooks up with her clients hook up who is like 12 years older but of course she thinks she loves him. she gets fired but not before he scored her a sweet as new gig. and she's horrible to her best friend. it was okay. i would have been 10000000% okay not reading it.
-scrappy little nobody // Anna Kendrick: i think the thing that amazes me the most is that she was still brand newish when she started in that movie with Clooney. i thought she had been around for a while when she started in Twilight. either way, good book. (heard as audio book.)
- the breakdown // B.A Paris: i LOVED this book but to be honest, i think it had to do with the fact that i listened to it. i liked it more than her first book and i read that one. either way, give it a listen. and then prepare yourself; even your thoughts will be British for a bit after. lol
i saw this on ig as well (maybe i need to just gtfo ig and their book recs) i checked it out and its aight.
Stella has asperger's and so she hires Michael to teach here to have sex. but of course Michael is fire as fuck!!!! so she falls in love and so does he and they do it (or try) and they decide instead of sex, they'll practice her dating, so they do and she meets the fam and so does he and they belong together but of course it wouldn't be a book if they weren't stupid about it and they end up together and yay.
i will say that I LOVE that in this story Stella makes bank AF and Michael is destined to be a designer. finally a role reversal. (also, Michael has more depth to him but like.....ya know.) either way. good read but i could have done without it and I'm bummed that its a series because as much as i want to not read it, i will.
-the allure of Julian Lefray // R. S. Grey: I wish that I could tell you what this book was about but in all honesty, i cannot. i don't remember a single thing about it. i didn't even write a quick review about it on goodreads (its coming back to me a bit i think) but i can say that when i want a quick pick me up, devour this book in a few hours type of read, i can always count on Grey. i love her stories. this is solely my fault and should say nothing about her because i absolutely loved it! her stories ALWAYS get me out of my reading funk.
-an absolutely remarkable thing // Hank Green: the other day i caught myself thinking about this book and I'm now beating myself up about not giving it a proper post.
this book was pretty cool. pretty out there and its obvious the Green brothers know what they're doing!
it is a series (i have no idea when the next one is due) but i do believe that i will be re-reading this again when the next one is out. I'm sure there is something like this out there but it was pretty well written and it kept me hooked and i can't wait to read it again eventually.
-best day ever // Kaira Rouda: ooooh i loved this book. i had been wanting to read it since forever but i never got to looking for it and finally i found it in my library available now audio section. LOVED IT. i wasn't completely shocked by the story but in the beginning i was expecting a twist that never came but nevertheless, i still liked the book. i will say though, the end kinda killed it..ish. the whole, we'll spy on him for the rest of our lives deal was just too much. i don't understand how they weren't able to get homeboy for what he did at the cabin alone. but whateve's.
wanna make this a super fun read?
take a shot every time you read "BEST DAY EVER". you'll be drunk by the 2nd chapter lolz.
-my not so perfect life // Sophie Kinksella: another story about a 20 something year old who moves to London and of course shit doesn't go her way and her boss is horrible and blah blah blah. it was an okay listen. nothing too crazy. i think i would have been bothered if i made the time to read it but it was an okay listen. i guess audio books are great after all.
-dark matter // Blake Crouch: not my normal read (in a while!) but i had been wanting to read this book for a while and luckily it was available for immediate listen through my library.
i really liked this book but i think my only complaint is that ....well the end. had it been just the 2 of them okay but the amount of them that there were was just....too much. and then the end end...really? was the son even aware of what he's being asked for? I'm getting too much into it but in the overall-ness of it, yea it was cool.
overall, it was a weird year for books.
for me, 2018 was a weird year overall.
so far in 2019 i still don't have that 'i want to read all the time' feel so we'll see how that goes but hopefully it comes back because i really do miss it.
and my goal at this point is only really to read all my blue books. i have a pile of TBR books that just happen to all be a shade of blue. so hopefully that happens.
and in terms of blogging....well, hopefully, that comes back too.
sometimes you just need a random weird year off.
or two.
i duno.
but, i already have 3 books for you and a lot of time after work since i dont have a life so hopefully i'll get those going soon.
i know i'm late but i hope 2018 was better for you and that the new year was amazing and im wishing nothing but love and happiness in 2019.
thank you for reading if you made it this far!

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