back to Zion we go.
Ruben had the whole week off about 2 weeks ago and i managed to get 2 days off for the price of 1. after a lot of "idk what to do or where to go", he finally decided that he wanted to go back to Zion.
and i was like heck yes!
we got on the freeway at 1130 Wednesday night, made it to Vegas in 2.5 hrs and got to Zion at 6 am (technically 5 but time change) just in time for breakfast and a nap (even though i had napped a little less than half way).
we also got to see the sunrise and man, it was beautiful.
the virgin river.
the first time i really stopped to see it and it was beautifully peaceful.
i just wanted to sit by on a rock and listen to the water pass by.
this is at the first bridge once you drive into the park. its that famous spot where EVERYONE gathers around to get an amazing picture of the sunset.
angels landing views. (on the way up.)
these little guys (idk, there were 4 in the area) were all the way up in Angel's Landing just running around. they got pretty close to the couple sitting me.
i think people feed them because they were pretty comfortable coming up to humans. i did not feed them but i did make the gesture like i was and they came up to me like nothing. i'm not sure where the one in the middle got food from.
just when its about to get hella real at angel's landing. sorta almost done but not really.
love when effects kick in all on their own.
THE COLORS!!!!! all the heart eye emoji's!!!
we hiked:
-lower emerald pool (the other 2 were closed due to the storm from a few months back)
-weeping rock. pretty quick hike for a nice view. take sunglasses. you'll be blinded otherwise.
-the narrows. like last time, we only made it up the entrance cause it was too cold to go further in with what we were wearing.
we hiked:
-angel's landing. because of the damage the storm caused, we somehow ended up higher than the last time we went. and while i didn't have a bout of vertigo this time around, i still did not risk it and continue the last .5 miles. I'm fine with 4.5
-canyon overlook trail: this one was a fairly quick hike. but to be honest, I'm surprised i hiked this one. there's railing in a lot of places but in the places that there isn't, one slip and good luck.
i think i was hangry by then and sleepy that when we made it up, i just laid on a rock and fell asleep for a bit. we were there for the sunset (without planning it) and it made for nice views but i wouldn't have felt comfortable going back down in the dark with no light. (i think by now, its safe to say that you all know I'm a person who worries. A LOT!)
I'm not sure if we did a 3rd hike this day. or just 2. idk.
this time around, we bought a pass to go into the park (like always) but then, basically unless you are going to go through the park (and to the overlook trail or just park on the side whenever you want to stop), you will need to find parking right away and take the shuttle. we parked at the end of the Pa'rus trail.
they do not allow you access to the road where all the hikes are at in your own vehicle so you need to take the shuttle. my understanding is this is only until after thanksgiving (not sure when it starts) but let me tell you! shuttles should be a 365 day kinda deal. nothing is better than being dropped off and picked up as you please.
its honestly the best.
and if you go, i recommend driving into the park at night.
the stars are nuts!
Just in time for Zions 99th Birthday! <3
can't wait to go back in a few years.
thanks for reading!

first time at zion here and here
This is such a beautiful scenery! This place is filled with Fall vibes I'm obsessed. And that squirrel omg!!! So cute.
Juliana | Ohhjuliana