"but you'll discover for yourself soon enough the things that devastate us most in the moment are always the things we look back on with such gratitude."
pgs: 291
read: July 3, 2022
book: 19 in 2022
summer 2022 is doing nothing but giving me Halloween vibes and I am here for it. the world's going to shit, im putting up my Halloween stuff soon.
anyway, I walked into the library to pick up one book, I scour the new section and pick this one up based solely on the cover....and because the synopsis gave me major Halloween vibes and everyone on goodreads loves this one but i haven't seen it around?
I genuinely thought I was going to check this book out and return it without opening it up. I thought I was guna renew it so much that i miiiight just make it to the 26 week audio hold because I'm not in a reading mood. But I got my book, I went to the grams (my gramas house) and given the circumstances, I was not expecting to make it all the way thru. but i diiiiid!
its exactly what my little Halloween loving heart needed at the moment.
its not at all scary but because im a huge chicken shit this was good enough for me 😂.
sorry dudes.
this was the last book i read before shit hit the fan in my life and so this is all i got. seeing the date i read this book makes me laugh now because of everything that has followed since.
i feel like this looks so bad on the book but trust me; the book, i loved. im just pooped and wanna move on. its not you, it really is me.
this is a cute one.
read it!
get ready for the best season!
love ya!
uhm she moves to this tiny town after her break up and she ends up meeting other homegirl and it turns out that its witch vibes and im here for it.
longer-ish version.
she moves because she was getting over a breakup with her ex and a position and better living arrangements came up so she leaves and she meets Sophie and then it turns out to be this whole witch vibes and all this and so then in the end, Annie lets her ex Sam convince her into letting him go over to her place and they start making out but she realizes shes not about it anymore. and it turns out that he was still with his already months old, annie knew about, girlfriend. so she does some bitch vibes moves on him (lol *nervous laugh*) and he's like wtf and then he leaves.
many, years later she runs into Maddison. who is now an adult and basically you get the vibes that the coven grows. (mads was one of her students when she first moved into town. she a whole as hot mess of an adult now).
i love this book.
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