published: 2020 pages: 304 readd: 3/10-11/2020 book: 22 in 2020 "An important part of growing up is letting yourself...
published: 2020 pages: 3377 read: 3/3-6/2020 book: 21 in 2020 Sometimes people cant help but make poor choices &...
published: 2019 pages: 331 read: 2/27-28/2020 book: 20 in 2020 When's the last time someone wondered if i was okay?  SYNOPSIS another...
published: 2019 pages: 326 read: 2/23-25/2020 book: 19 in 2020 SYNOPSIS read here cause its long. THOUGHTS...
published: 2020 pages: 106 read: 2/19/2020 book: 15 in 2020 SYNOPSIS Night brings the unexpected, and I did not...