published: 2019 pages: 377 heard: 2/16-18/2020 book: 14 in 2020 there is always something you can do. SYNOPSIS...
published: 2019 pages: 55 heard: 2/23/2020 book: 17 in 2020 *I'm skipping 14 & 15 to post this series together and...
published: 2019 pages: 61 heard: 2/21/2020 book: 17 in 2020 *I'm skipping 14 & 15 to post this series together and...
published: 2019 pages: 50 heard: 2/20/2020 book: 16 in 2020 *I'm skipping 14 & 15 to post this series together and...
published: 2019 pages: 61 heard: 2/13/2020 book: 13 in 2020 Denial endures because it soothes.  SYNOPSIS A...
published: 2019 pages: 58 heard/read: 2/12/2020 book: 12 in 2020 In fact, Palmer has no friends. no one does. friendship...
published: 2019 pages: 62 heard: 2/12/2020 book: 11 in 2020 Life is a weave of infinite possibilities, though some...
published: 2019 pages: 557 (19 hours audio) heard / read: 2/6-11/2020 book: 10 in 2020 Great events turn on small...
published: 2020 pages: 356 read: 2/7-10/2020 book: 9 in 2020 “Sure, maybe love can be simple, but sometimes, it’s a...