published: 2019
pages: 320read: 1/5-7/2020
book: 1 in 2020
It's strange how perception is altered by bitterness (pg 75)
Thursday’s husband, Seth, has two other wives. She’s never met them, and she doesn’t know anything about them. She agreed to this unusual arrangement because she’s so crazy about him.
But one day, she finds something. Something that tells a very different—and horrifying—story about the man she married.
What follows is one of the most twisted, shocking thrillers you’ll ever read.
You’ll have to grab a copy to find out why.
I don't even know where to start.
so many thoughts rushing to my head.
have you ever seen The Simpson's episode where the doctor tells Burns that he basically has all of the diseases but since they're all wedged at the door trying to get out but can't, hes sorta fine?
....yes. those are my thoughts about this book.
and I mean that in the best way possible.
1. my inner inner instincts must have know wtf was up with this book because I signed up for BOTM to get this book early. I swore up and down and all around that I WOULD NEVER sign up for BOTM (I hate that they fuck up the covers with their logo) and yet, here I am; a new member tryina do 12 months so i can get a free tote and a bday book.
all. because. of. this. book.
no regrets.
2. I could've waited for this til its release day. I guess with BOTM you get books prior to their actual release? (I mean, I guess that makes sense) I could've waited because I only got this a few days earlier than its release date (12/30/19) and once i had it!, i decided I wanted to wait until 2020 to read this. I wanted this to be my first book of the new year! the new decade! I must have known.
I just wanted to start 2020 with a banger and boy, did it deliver.
3. I did not look up spoilers.
If you've known me a while, you know I LOVE spoilers. I look them up as soon as I can. I look for as much info as I can gather.
this one? nooooo.
i follow a blog where home girl does spoilers and she did one on this book and i said no. she's usually always the one i go to, to look for spoilers! but this time I said no.
....and as i went to hit read on her post so I wouldn't see it, I accidentally saw a spoiler and i was all 😟😢 but I did not let that stop me.
I didn't read any further. and when her spoiler was coming to fruition in the story, I was still taken aback. because that little spoiler was just a little loose thread in an already messed up sweater that was coming undone.
I had no idea what to expect.
at all.
just when I started thinking the story would go one way, the story veered another.
and then when I got on that story line, guess what!?
I cant really say much without making this a bit spoilery but I will say this: maybe its JUST me but this book made me realize that books can give it all up to you upfront, and you'll still somehow miss it.
you're probably trying to solve it when it's facing you right in the face.
this book just tripped me out because once it started revealing its main deal all I kept thinking about was "woah! how did I miss that?!" or "how did I not notice that?!" how did I not take its face value to heart!?
iduno. shit got pretty deep real quick.
I just liked all the twist and turns. and besides that one accidental spoiler, I had no idea what to expect.
and days later I'm still really liking this read.
and the final result! the way it all tied up!!!!!
THAT ending! ooooohhhh ho.ney.child!
THIS is how you wrap up a story.
it ends a bit open ended-ish....I'm choosing to believe history is repeating itself. Thursday knew what she was doing.
they both did.
i think Monday was the only really innocent party in this entire story.
I hope 2020 has more of these kind of reads because woah!
jump on over for spoilers.
thanks for reading!

first off, home girls name is, 🥁🥁🥁, Thursday.
once it's revealed, it kinda blew my away because prior to that, I knew her as Thursday. like as in that's her day/turn of the week and i realized then that i had never really knows her name all along.
MONDAY is Hannah
TUESDAY is Regina
THURSDAY is Thursday
Seth was married to Regina for 5 years.
Then he met Thursday when she was a college student. They went on dates and he finally tells her that hes married. She gets mad and leaves but he tells her that hes a polygamist and that hes looking for a new wife to bear his child bc his first wife would rather work.
To bear his child he "divorces" Regina, marries Thursday and they get pregnant BUT she loses the baby. because she couldn't give him a child, he gets a third wife...but remains marries to Thursday.
one day she finds a note with what she assumes to be Monday's info. So she does some research.
she finds her, befriends her, decides after everything she realizes about Seth that she needs to save her.
(T is convinced that Seth is hurting her).
one day they're at lunch and when she comes back from the bathroom, she finds Hannah gone.
she says fuck it, goes home only to be confronted by Seth. He's all WTF! she's all WTF!
He tells her that shes making shit up, he tries to reason with her, they end up fighting, and shes knocked out as she falls to the ground.
She wakes up in a psych ward.
she does her time, gets out and looks for Regina.
(prior to all of this, T had looked her up and had set up an apt to meet with her. R is a divorce lawyer.) she makes it to their meeting, a week after they were due to meet.
she manages to make it in.
that's where she learns that Regina and Seth are legit divorced because Seth had had an affair with Thursday.
Thursday was the other woman.
after her meeting with Regina, she goes to Hannah's house only to find it listed for Sale so she goes back to Regina's house because in her head Hannah is missing and Seth is playing dumb about everything.
she stalks Regina, follows her home, makes her way in and tells her that a) she lost Seth's baby and how it happened and that B) he is hitting Hannah.
Thursday leaves and wakes up to a call from Regina bout how Seth was on his way down to get T but that they need to talk.
They meet up at a diner and Regina tells her that she too lost Seth's baby and that she believes it was Seth's fault. Thursday had told her that out of nowhere Seth started making her this tea that his mother sent for her when she was around 3/4 months and then she had a miscarriage.
...Seth's parents had been dead a while.
Regina told her the same thing. That the dude who didn't know his way around a kitchen was all of a sudden a whiz and was super into serving her that tea because it was good for her. and that after having that tea, she also had a miscarriage.
so now T is super convinced that Seth is out to hurt Hannah.
eventually, Regina tells Thursday that she found out where Seth moved Hannah too. she packs her shit and goes. she finds her makes her way in and tells her shes in danger. Hannah's all nooo, Seth comes home and hes all WTF!?
Hannah tells her that she knew who she was.
Thursday tries to convince her that Seth is bad. Seth is trying to calm Hannah and get Thursday calm the fuck down when in busts Regina.
And tells T that once again!, she is the other woman.
and that her and Seth were actually never married.
she was the other woman with Regina and she was the other woman with Hannah.
she was never the one woman.
...and like a bunch of other truths.
At this point, Thursday is on the verge of a breakdown and she pulls out a gun. Seth goes to wrestle her it out of her and she ends up shooting him. (he ends up in a wheel chair for life never being able to walk again)
She ends up back in the same psych ward.
she learns that she had an affair with Seth when he was married to Regina. (i mean she already knew...)
They divorced. Then she and Seth got pregnant, she lost the baby, he left, met Hannah, married her, he then had another affair with Thursday and left once Hannah was pregnant. Or something like that.
When Thursday lost the baby, she couldn't handle it. Seth was working in Portland a lot so he was mostly always out there staying in the house where she met Hannah.
turns out the house that Hannah was staying in was actually Thursday's house that her own grandmother had left her. and Seth and Hannah were living there because T insisted that they live there. i also have to assume that deep down T knew that Seth didnt have a lot of money because his business was failing and he actually owed Regina a lot of money too.
anyway, to cope with losing the baby, they started playing this game where supposedly Seth was in Portland with his other wives and would come down for the weekend with Thursday. at first it was fun and games but then it legit became her reality.
Seth left her and ended up with Hannah and Thursday just overall refused to see that.
when shes in the ward, Regina comes to visit her. by this point T has accepted that this is her life or whatever.
so Regina comes in and the gist of it all is: Regina knew that Thursday was a bit crazy. she just didn't know the extent. so she played Thursday as a payback for splitting her and Seth up.
it was all just a game to Regina as revenge.
as all this is going down, T starts remembering about one patient who was up on a ladder to get to the roof to do something with xmas lights when he falls down.
he got messed up so bad that he basically would never ever remember anything from his past and he'd need help for the rest of his life.
so as Regina is talking to her, Thursday was all how could you! and R was all well cause you were the other woman.
i think T says something along the lines of you're a bitch for fucking with me because you i knew was messed up and that she's essentially also crazy and Regina starts laughing at her telling her that there is no way shes anywhere near as fucked up as she is.
that laugh hurts T so she headbutts R in the face and while R is all wtf!? T grabs her and slams her to the ground and starts smashing her head on the ground.
over and over.
and das it.
i guess YOU CAN assume that she kills her. but i like to think that she just hurt her to the point that she would leave Regina like the patient that she was just thinking about.
she wasn't out to kill R. she was just out to permanently damage her just as R had damaged her.
and there you go!
there is a lot i left out! so i def do recommend you read this book!
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