published: 2019
pages: 432
heard: 9/26-28/2019
book: 56 in 2019
Life was sometimes unbearably unfair.
Time passes and Mimi comes and goes, and concentrates on her career. Yet as their lives continue to intersect over the years and emotions (or relationships) become tangled, it's Cal who makes her feel most welcome whenever she does return to Goosebrook. But if he's The One, will it ever be the right time for them both?
another case of me requesting the wrong audio book even though i had JUST seen the cover seconds before i placed the hold.
*le sigh* when will i learn.
...but no fear! i love Jill Mansell. i love her stories and i will forever read all of her books and at this point, I'm not even sure what number this is because i don't think I've counted them on Good Reads and I'm pretty sure i haven't blogged all of them so i have no idea. anyway, never fear cause this just means i get to knock another one of her books out of my invisible Jill Mansell TBR!
like most (i wont say all because i have horrible memory!...but I'm pretty sure...) of her books, this is another love story that's a little tumultuous before they end up together. and the ride she takes you on is the best!
the meeting between Mimi and Cal was the funniest thing ever. that sheep! haha. i heard that bit over and over because i couldn't stop laughing. and i could've sworn they were going to end up together BUT THEN you learn that they can't because Cal is married and i was like NOOOOO!!!! ...then i was trying to guess who the heck Mimi was going to end up with only to learn that Jill is very good at messing with my emotions.
by chapter 6 i was crying my guts out because OMG! i was not expecting that at all!
chapter 7 jumps to 4 years later and WOAH!
talk about everything happening for a reason!
things start to switch around so that they can fall into place but woah!
shit really hits the fan for Mimi before they start to pick up.
i liked the way everything connected once it started falling into place.
i liked the way it all, even after a bit of turbulence, ended.
even the village "party animal" was just about the best. i loved Patty. haha. he was the best. and funny too!
overall, glad i heard this! love JM!
her books are always a quick pick me up read that sets me in a good mood.
jump on over for spoilers!
thanks for reading!

Mimi goes to visit her father and his partner where on the way, she meets Cal.
instant chemistry on her part.
except, he's married.
she settles in and gets to know everyone in the town.
chapter 7 jumps to 4 years later and Mimi lives in London with her friend Kendra who bought a place with the money she got from a rich uncle who passed.
Mimi is also dating her boss. who her friend gets along with which she is happy about because of the living arrangement.
this night, hes over, they have dinner, they all go to bed, Mimi is passed out only to wake up to the sound of her phone going off which is weird because she never leaves it on ring or vibrate or both i think. ever since the accident. she notices Rob, her boss boyfriend isn't there so she goes to look for him.
she notices that the window that leads to the roof or whatever is open so she goes to investigate.
low and behold he's up on the roof fooling around with Kendra.
to which Kendra replies "we have just been fooling around to make sure we wanted to make it a thing and before we told you about it."
Mimi's all wtf and goes back to bed.
the following morning, Kendra is off to work, Rob is "asking" for forgiveness and Mimi is super casual about it.
she calls out of work, packs her shit, calls Marcus (her dad's partner) and he tells her to come on down to Goosebrook. (since she works for Rob and basically runs his shit, her even calling out fucks everything up on his end lol)
she goes down, another dude that worked with her and Rob, CJ, ends up hiring her to work for him while he writes a book because his assistant is having a baby so she's on maternity leave (a baby that ends up being his. his childhood was fucked up so you learn to love him. and actually now that i think about it, he was probably my fave of the whole story!)
Rob gets mad, she works for CJ, Kendra comes back, gets drunk and asks for forgiveness but the kind where she swears even though she's wrong, Mimi should somehow still be worshiping the ground she walks on.....
and because its been so long and i just wanna post this and move on, yes, Cal & Mimi end up together.
....i left out a lot. my bad, i just kinda wanna be over this already.
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