published: 2018
pages: 310
ISBN: 9780399587665
read: 3/22-28/2018
rating: cute read but UGH
book: 9 of 12 (secretly aiming for 52 but happy with 30) of 2018
short version:
cute, quick-ish read. definitely for those who LOVE love stories!
"long version":
let's take a moment to mourn blogging for books.
they shut down because idk why and while i was only able to use them once (because i refuse to read the book i got from them) it still sucks cause i was hoping to eventually get to it and in turn get more free books.
anyway, they introduced me to another site that i wont bother mentioning because YOU HAVE TO JUMP ON 1 LEG FOR 3 HOURS WHILE YOU STAND ON YOUR HAND to download a freaking book! (U G H !!!!) and basically its a mess BUT i did read an excerpt of this book there and i was HOOKED RIGHT AWAY!!!!
so i checked this book out at the library, considered buying it for my nook (glad i didn't) and then i just sucked it up and waited.
and then i get it and i was like OMG I LOVE THIS!!!!!....and then i was over it.
but let me tell you why...
I LOVED this story. it was super cute and i loved it because I'm a sucker for love stories. especially those that end good but for a good portion of this, all it is or was, was the miscommunication.
like they both wanted the same thing but they wouldn't talk about it. they just decided that they knew better and messed it up for each other.
and while, that's real life, its not (to me) worth a 300 page fight.
and the thing with her sister: i think it was obviously all on her because her sister didn't really seemed bothered by it.
and the Drew break up story: its blown way out of proportion. maybe the day he chose was messed up but other than that, kudos to him in my opinion.
anyway, if you come across this and want something cheesy with lots of lovey feelings, i definitely recommend this book!
as always, spoilers after the jump.
thanks for reading!

i read this back in 2018, i wrote this back in 2018 and as you can see above i have not touched it since 2018. i dont know why i didnt publish it i just never did.
something bit me in the ass today so im cleaning house and posting whatever i can. (i felt myself jinxing myself).
anyway its 6/22/2022 (WTF! 4 years ago lol *laugh nervously*), ive read several other Guillory books, as a matter of fact all but the last of this series and i refuse to read any others by her. simply bc i cannot stand fucking series books. i hate the waiting. maybe in the future iduno, but i wasnt a fan of the rest of this series because really .... so idk. but yeah.
i gave this a quick once over. im just out here tryina clean house so sorry for any and all typos.
thx 4 rdn.
luv yaH!-les
(its even got my old signature! *tear*)
Drew is in town because he is in the wedding party of his ex girlfriend and ex (?) best friend.
Alexa is in town meeting with her sister because she got promoted at work (and was she across town? because Alexa lives around the area, so why didn't she stay at her house?)
anyway, they both get on the elevator and it breaks down and that's when Alexa realizes that she is not alone.
they make small talk and then they tell each other why they are there.
once they get the elevator back up and running, just as she's beating herself up for not making a move, he turns around and asks her to be his date for the wedding.
she agrees and off they go on their separate ways.
the only reason she goes through with it is because her sister calls her out on not doing it because she is miss goody two shoes and her best friend tells her that she needs this for herself.
they go together to the wedding rehearsal where they start falling for eachother and then the wedding where they definitely develop feelings for each other.
after the wedding they go back and forth visiting each other (he is a doctor in Santa Monica) even after they had agreed that it was just a "i need you for the wedding thing".
blah blah blah
they date, they break up, they end up together.
its 2022.
please do not expect me to know anything past whatever i wrote above.
but if ya want a quickie, all stories are basically the same.
they all meet, deny it, fall, fuck, fuck it up and then end up together.
except i still think that Maddie & Theo's relationship was borderline abusive. and the plot with the mom was annoying.
anyway, yeah.
have a(n) (insert your own adjective here) day!
love yah!
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