published: 2019 pages: 340 read: 4/2-7/2019  rating: like yea but WHAT!?   book: 31 in...
published: 2018 pages: 331 heard/read: 3/29-30/2019 rating: good, quick read book: 30 in 2019 SYNOPSIS When...
published: 2019 pages: 333 (351 with lyrics) heard/read: 3/16-28/2019 rating: the ending made this book for me!...
published: 2019 pages: 339 heard: 3/11-12/19  rating: yea cool read book: 28 in 2019 "why is...
published: 2019 pages: 303 read: 3/9-11/19  rating: not my fave of hers book: 27 in 2019 SYNOPSIS I...
published: 2018 pages: 276 read: 3/7-8/19  rating: i liked this book enough to give up sleep.  book: 26 in...