truth could not be redefined.truth was what it was.the simple task of finding the truth was complicated only by the haystacks of lies you had to sort through to find the shiny needle
published: 2020
pages: 369heard: 5/16-25/2020
book: 39 in 2020
A mother, a boy and a desperate battle against the night.
Woody Bookman hasn't spoken a word in his 11 years of life. not when his father died in a freak accident, not when his mother Megan tells him she loves him.
For Megan, keeping her boy safe and happy is what matters. But Woody believes a monstrous evil is behind his father's death and now threatens him and his mother. And he's not along in his thoughts. An ally unknown to him is listening.
Woody's fearful suspicions are taking shape. A malicious man driven by evil has set a depraved plan into motion. And he's coming after Woody and his mother. The reasons are primal. His powers are growing. And he's not alone.
oh, Dean Koontz. how i love you so.
there is nothing that i can say about this man that i haven't already said. (i haven't said a lot about him on here because i discovered blogging years after i'd read like 80 something of his books!) anyway....
after ordering the book before its release date and then waiting for maybe more than a month, my book finally made it over to me! (i ordered it through book depository because i loved that cover more than the og one..but i did not pay that much!) and i could not wait to dive in.
I wish that i could say that i remember a lot of his older books that I've read but alas, i do not because i have the memory of a goldfish BUT this dude has done a good job of shaking things up and making me remember more than i would on my own. and it was his own post about this book that made me remember a lot more than i would have on my own in regards to his past books. and i can say that what he says about this book is just about right; this is Dean Koontz doing what he does best. telling you a goddamn good story, taking you back to his roots while also giving you something new.
i do not read Stephen King because I am chicken shit so when i found Dean Koontz all those years ago, i was able to read everything because his stories to me seem a bit more far fetched. sure, a car named Christine can't really run me over but a car in general can. lol...and carrie!? oof.
anyway, i'm getting away from the point.
honestly, i have no idea why it took me so long to read it (like days wise) but i'm not mad about it. i feel like i was able to take it all in more than if i would have rush read through it in a day or two (or three realistically).
all in all, this is a typical Dean Koontz book. an air of mystery, some supernatural science-y stuff and dogs! whats not to love!
i don't know really what i was expecting and if im being honest i really only skimmed the synopsis like i always do but i liked what i got.
at the end of it all this story is about hope and given everything that's going on right now, who doesn't want some of that?
especially because it involves dogs!? (i wont delve further into that here because it is a bit of a spoiler).
especially because it involves dogs!? (i wont delve further into that here because it is a bit of a spoiler).
whats not to love about this story?
Megan and her love for her child. the strength that she possesses to continue to move forward. The fact that Rosa finds happiness. BAE AF Ben *swoon!*. KIPP! and Woody.
....and then the bad guys! woo this one was a doozy.
this book is old school Dean giving you those vibes where things that cant really happen in real life do happen in his story. (i mean, im not a scientist) and in the end it all ties up nicely. yea sure, some things might be a bit unbelievable but its still so good!
basically no matter what i write on here, it will not serve this book the justice it deserves so just go read it.
....and i wanna move on, so ill leave it here.
but yes! good read, good purchase. glad i own this one.
thanks for reading.
jump over for spoilers.
Lee Shackett is on the run because the building he used to run in Utah has blown up killing 92 (or 96) people. while people thought it was a cancer research building, he knows the truth.
he's ready to run away and make a life of his own in Costa Rica. but out of nowhere, he starts thinking about Megan (they dated very briefly before she married Jason). he calls her and lets her know that he is going to Costa Rica and wants him to go but of course she tells him no.
he gets pissed and vows to make her pay.
on the way, he runs into a couple while the dude is changing a tire and he ends up shooting him dead and after a chase, he ends up cannibalizing the woman. he eats her face and breast.
he finally makes it to Megans house. given what he wants to do to her (and given how he is evolving) he's surprisingly patient and waits until she goes to bed to attack her.
its finally around almost midnight when he gets frustrated and says fuck it, ill go get the kid. so he goes to Woody's room and starts talking shit to him and touching his face. Woody of course being autistic and never having spoken says nothing.
Megan is getting ready to go to sleep when she remembers that she didnt unlock her weapon from the side of the bed and when she does, she notices that its in the wrong way. she notices its empty, she panics and reloads. she walks to Woodys room and sees Shackett in there with him.
they end up in a shoot off and long story short, Shackett escapes through the window.
he ends up coming back to get his gun that he left in the kitchen and goes back up to Woody's room to try to get back in. buuuuuuuut because Megan has alarms on the windows, the alarm company calls her and she lets them know that there is a man in the house. Shackett would have succeeded in breaking in had he not heard the sirens.
in another part of the story, Kipp's owner Dorothy has passed away.
he doesnt need to be in the house anymore.
he is a special dog. he can communicate with other dogs like him through the wire.
Woody has somehow made it into the wire.
so now that Dorothy has passed Kipp takes it upon himself to go look for the boy.
he makes it to a park, ends up being taken by the forest ranger dude who is an abusive dog breeder but Ben breaks into the office just as Frank (the dick head) is trying to beat Kipp with a belt.
Ben saves him...shit happens....they end up in a motel cause Ben was tired AF and Kipp passes out. but he awakens to Woody's distress.
they take off and head to Woody's home.
Rosa was Dorothy's caretaker.
she had a rough upbringing.
upon Dorothy's passing, Rosa learns that a) Kipp is a special AF dog that she is responsible for and b) that she's now helllllaaaaa rich.
she has noticed that Kipp was missing so she's out searching for him.
when Shackett escaped, he hid in the forest.
2 officers were sent to look for him and they found him.
he basically almost ate one of them.
they manage to detain him and they keep him in the psychic ward restrained. they think they can keep him in there but he is strong as fuck. he breaks out, kills 2 more people and takes off in a car.
Ben makes it to Megan's house, they get acquainted, Rosa makes it there as well (there was a tracking device on Kipps collar thing) and then someone else comes along the driveway....the coroner, Carson. (im skipping a lot here. by this point he knows what Shackett is).
he lets them know about Shackett. they're worried but there are guards all around the house since the cops know that that's most likely where he will end up.
we learn that since Kipp arrived at the house he was able to communicate with Woody and now Woody who hasn't spoken in 11 years is talking.
you learn that Woody hacked into Dorian Purcells computer and has written a paper on how Dorian killed his father a long with others but also what he's doing. ...and all this other incriminating shit. the third time that Woody hacked in, the bad guys knew he wasnt who he was claiming to be. they warned him that they knew and that they would find him.
so everyone isn't worried about Shackett per se but the bad guys.
the main cop of this story is bought so at the request of Tio Barbazon (which i think is Dorian...i might have missed that one but i dont think so because i think it states that he declared to be innocent at the end...anyway..) at his request he removes security from Megs.
in Pineheaven where Megan lives, they wait a few hours until the bad guys arrive.
and when they do, the good guys (Megan and Ben and all them) attack....WITH DOGS! (lol im doing a bad job here)
the bad guys panic, they get attacked and in the long run, Ben (and everyone else) lets them go. theyre all wtf? but Ben is like byye and in the end, they all kill each other. well they all die in a house fire that they planted themselves but not after two of them went after each other and then the one went and locked the other two in the basement.
anyway, Shackett.
he ran away from the hospital.
everyone thought he was going to go after Megan but in reality, he went after Dorian.
Dorian is the reason that Shackett is the way he is.
see Dorian was experimenting with (i dont remember what its called and i of course cant find it in the book) making humans more powerful by using some Virus type of thing. he just wanted to be powerful AF. seeing Shackett, he realizes that maybe its not his turn in this lifetime to be almighty.
Shackett kills him and then i guess because biologically Shackett cant handle it, he also dies.
in the end, Ben and Meg end up married.
Rosa and Carson end up dating.
Kipp finds his other half. and everyone ends up happily ever after!
i did a bad job of explaining it all correctly (and maybe even in order) but trust me! its good!
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