
'22: maps for the getaway // annie england noblin

"All rumors have at least a kernel of truth. But I won’t tell you which kernel.”

pub: 2021
pages: 219
read: june 15-19, 2022
book: 18 in 2022


ooooh! i liked this one!

i dont want to say that im in a reading funk but i guess i will say that im being a bit picky about what im reading? i have not had any interest in picking anything up and then this one pops up and ! 
maybe im all about timing right now. 


i like this story! 

I wish I would have have taken better notes (why lol) but alas, I am who I yams.

I liked the adventures these 3 got into because LOL!
also, before I forget, ladies and gentlemen should this ever be a movie or something, please let me introduce to you TROY!!!!! (If cast otherwise, I'd still watch. but begrudgingly 😂)

okay but back to the point. 
I truly enjoyed this story about 3 women celebrating the life of their very good friend especially given that you know, life happens and they grew apart. coming home must feel amazing. 

each woman is going thru something in her life and while I don't remember the story 100% and I can't relate to them 100% myself (I'm not married (never even been proposed to) nor do I have kids) I feel like I saw myself in little bits of each woman's story. from G dealing with her father and his illness to Kate and her passion for work (im not tryina get fired so I'll keep it pg about my job but let's just say I'm not passionate about working like she is) and C! I'm happy she finally grew a pair. deciding to leave someone who is utter trash is such an amazing relief. THE RELIEF! let me tell you, cutting someone off who no longer never respected you is *chef's kiss* 


they get into everything! 

I loved this story. I wish I had better memory but I know I'm going to love rereading this one a couple of years from now.
this one hit the perfect spot for me. ❤️ ...and i also did spoilers ahead of time so let's go! 

her and her husband separate because she wants to do her work more. well its not that she wants that more its just that no shame its what matters to her. her and her husband dont share the same views about family. in the end she ends up dating that vet dude that she met in new mexico (cool cool cool!) 

her dad was a major dick and high key hated her. she lived her life by his rules and did nothing that he would not approve of even though the things he did approve of, he still did not. he has dementia so he's in a home and she does visit but if he rarely cared then you think he does now? 
he never let her have anything. 
so much so that for 40 years shes done everything by him and the one time she finally decides to take a trip, he up and RIP's on her while she's far away from him. 
in the end she ends up with Troy (FUCK YES!!!!!) and she moves with him to flagstaff if i remember him living there correctly. 

shes been with brent since high school and everyone in town knows that hes been cheating on her since forever. even she knew but denial denial, denial. she ends up setting his shit on fire and finally leaving him. in the end she ends up dating Wade (FUCK YES!)  and yea.
oh yeah! when they were kids the girls (minus laurie) found out that Cici's parents and half of the parents where ever they live all slept together. Swingers parrrrtiesss!!!!!


Laurie, the 4th friend of the group passes away at a time when all the women are kinda falling apart. 
they all get together and decide to go on a road trip to vegas in Gennies dads car (that they later purposefully decide to vandalize) and get into all sorts of shit. 
The purpose of the trip is to go see the reunion show of their fave back in the days boy band in honor of L. 

kate adopts a little unwanted pup, they almost get their ass kicked for "stealing" a bathroom key, Troy comes into the picture!!!!, they get a flat and troy rescues them and stands up for Gennie and it was hot as fuck! and the stripper show! and when they get to vegas and Cici gets arrested with the man from the boy band they were there to see that kate bails out. *catches breath* 

a lot of things happen here and there that im leaving out but the breakdown of the women is the gist of the story!  

Loved this one! 

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