
hello, there!!!


it's been a month plus, and BOOM! 
i sorta disappeared.

i didn't mean too. it just happened. 
its not that i haven't been out on adventures and done things; its just that i HAAAAATE "editing" pictures on  my phone (i don't hate it I'm just lazy and once they add up, UGH!). 
the only thing i haven't done is read. 
i all of a sudden lost my interest in books and I'm  fighting really hard to finish stuff that i am actually into. 

but anyway, let's do this a bit differently....ish. 

currently watching: 
-the good place. 
i think my coworker told me about it and i was out of shows so i gave it a go and i finished the entire first season in 2 days. 
that last episode of season 1 though!!!!!

-broad city. 
i love those girls!
i ALWAYS try to get my bf to watch shows with me but for some reason, i didn't bother with this one and of course he ended up LOVING it! 
I've heard every episode of the first 3 seasons on Hulu while at work like a hundred times. freaking abs man.  

currently listening to: 
-funk wav bounces vol 1 by Calvin Harris. LOVE IT (i know it's been a while but so good!)
-hard ep by the neighbourhood. LOVE 'you get me high' so much!

currently reading: 
-The Silent Corner by Dean Koontz
-Cashed Out by Michael Rubin
-Dash & Lily the second book by idk who. I'm not like really reading it. i just read like the first 20 pages. i still think dash is a bag of dicks. but it might change. but i mean come on. 

random shit: 
-i went to Costco yesterday and bought a box of 96 (!!!!!!) tampons. 
i don't know why, but i feel defeated by that. 
i mean, i won't use them all in 1 go. and it's actually a better deal than buying a box at target (i think) but I'm just being weird. how did Costco decide on 96? why not go the whole 100? but also, im kinda into the idea of trying out Lola

-I'm wearing socks at work right now while wearing sandals. being on my period is weird. my feet are freezing but not really. they just need to be warm. idk. and of course the ONE TIME i wanted to match my no show socks, i can't find a pair. so I'm wearing bright blue fuzzy ones. -____-

hhmmm.....what else? 

we just got back last weekend from San Jose/San Francisco/Santa Cruz AND IT WAS A FREAKING BLAST!
i won't talk about it too much here because i have pictures and it deserves a proper post but it was a lot of fun and i can't believe it took me 2 years to convince him.  
i can't wait to go back. 

we're currently planning a trip in November. I'm not sure where BUT i want to go somewhere where it's legit fall. 
CA fall is a lie. 

HALLOWEEN time is finally here! its the best time of the year!
and i can't wait to do nothing! :) 
also, have you (maybe its just me) noticed that it finally "looks" like fall? 
its still hot as shit some days BUT everything is golden. its basically golden hour all day long. 
its so freaking beautiful. 
i cannot wait for it to be dark by the time I'm out of work. 

hmm...other than that, it's been pretty quiet and I've been just hanging out. 
i got a ticket to see Jack Johnson and i was able to snag a seat in the front row. 
not only did he walk right by me BUT!!!! he also sang a special version of my fave song, Monsoon, for me!!!!! i mean!, Jack Johnson 2 times in one year is just a win in of itself! but then to have him sing you your fave song!!!!
I'M DONE!!!! but don't quote me on that baby Jesus! i can't do another year without concerts. 

other than that, I'm aiming for something that I'll keep quiet on for now (so please send me all the good vibes!!!!) and if i get it, truuuuust me, y'all will know! 

well, sorry for disappearing, ill try to not do it again. 

Please love one another!!!!! 
we need it now more than ever. 

thanks for reading. 


  1. Yay so happy to see you back.

    The Good Place is such a good and funny show! Have you started on season two yet? I'm so excited for the fall season and for Halloween! I swear the trees here in WA are stunning. Some are a vibrant red and others are gold, I'm in love.


    1. thankss!!!!

      i started on season 2 and im all caught up so now im just waiting for the new episodes on Hulu. #teamcockaroaches. lol.
      we decided to go to seattle for a day or two in november so im EXCITED to see the "fall" weather!!!! i cant wait!!!


thanks for taking the time to read my blog. (: