published: 2013 // 345 pages
isbn: 978-1-4424-3155-3
read from 1/27/16 to didnt finish
isbn: 978-1-4424-3155-3
read from 1/27/16 to didnt finish
i was having such a good reading streak!!!!
then this book came along and ruined that for me. :(
i saw this book on good reads and the cover was calling to me so i got it from the library (THANK GOD!) and well, 9 days later and i'd rather go work out than read this book (i HATE working out!)
i'd read some at home and then sneak in a couple of pages at work but no matter what, i couldn't get in to it. i searched high and low all over the freaking Internet and NO spoilers....which leads me to think that i am doing the world a justice by including spoilers in my "reviews." (which really aren't reviews but more like book reports so i can remember what the hell i read.)
so let me catch you up on the 221 pages that i read.
Skint and Dinah are best friends and the one thing i loved about that was that they were best friends without being the kind of best friends that you know are going to end up in love and married later on (at least i don't think.)
Dinah is kind of like a "lets go do good and help everyone out" kind of person and Skint is a "fuck the world, we're all dicks who kill each other so we might as well die" kind of person and so well yea.
a lot of the good reads reviewers stated that the a) hated the shit out of Dinah and b) loved the crap out of Skint.
which i find complete bullshit because to me D was kind of always trying to see the positive out of every situation while Skint just took a crap on everything. (please remember, i did not finish the book so it all might have changed just as i gave up.)
Skint's dad has dementia and his mother instead of asking for help, takes on the role of being a total bitch with a shit load of pride and you can tell she doesn't want to deal with him but she'd rather suffer than let anyone see what is really going on. so Skint has to see his mother be a bitch to her father. now, i think that because of the weight of all that, Skint has to deal with it at a bigger scale and its a lot for a kid to take on. so i guess i can see him hating life but i believe it also falls on his father for kind of having the same attitude about humans and such (kids are impressionable as shit.)
Dinah knows but she doesn't know to what extent i guess so she never really says anything.
i stopped reading a little bit after she finds out that Skint was the one that actually stole the cans from the church and she's back putting them away.
from there on out i skipped to the last chapter and all i know is Skint take K.T to his mothers house and then takes off. (who's KT? well, i wont make you read a book i didn't like sooo...he's the little brother of the schools bully.)
i skipped to random chapters and i guess his mother hits his dad and the cops and Dinah's mom is involved.
i guess he then leaves to live with Bernadine (which was odd because he hates her) and that's all i really know.
i do not know how it ends, I've been looking high and low, inside and out, upside down left and right and since this is a library book, im definitely never going to find out. so if you know what happens please let me know.
i HATE giving up on books but like Elise says, "I try to only read books that I really enjoy. Life is too short to waste time on a book you're not connecting with." i had to let it go.
i have a huge to be read pile and several on netgalley that have a deadline that i just had to let it go.
here's to the first downer of 2016 :(
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